Public Notice

DAWE document list_separated

Item 1_2016-7727 RWD Referral_redacted

Item 4_ Pendragon hydrological investigation and assessment, May 2016

Item 5_Bennelongia, Ecological character of Lake Disappointment

Item 6_2016-7727-Referral-Decision-Brief-Att-X-AddInfo-Letter-Signed-20160715

Item 7_2016 09 07 RWD letter to Dept of Environment re EPBC Ref 2016-7727_redacted

Item 8_JRHC_RML Nuclear Actions Response August 2016

Item 9_Hydrobiology_Ecotoxicity hazard assessment_v1 1

Item 10_Additional information request_12Oct 2016_redacted

Item 12_Additional information request_3 April 2017

Item 13_20170428 RWD letter to DoEE_AGillman_Rev0_with Att A

Item 13a Attachment B_Fauna habitats FINAL

Item 14_Response to additional information request_16May2017

Item 15_RWD Letter to DoEE re Additional Information 01 June 2017

Item 16_RWD Letter to DoEE re Additional Info Request

Item 17_Reward Lake Disappointment Night Parrot Survey Report V3a_redacted

Item 18 & 40_Knight Piesold, Hydrology Study, Jan 2017

Item 19 Global Groundwater, Hydrogeological Assess of the Impact of Brine Extraction, Mar 2017

Item 20_SWM, Hydrogeological assess – Cory Bore Field, Sept 2017

Item 21_SWM, Hydrogeological assess Northern Bore Field H2 assessment, Sep 2017

Item 22 & 37_Reward Lake Disappointment Fauna Survey Report Final_redacted

Item 25 & 31_ Bennelongia, Aquatic Ecology and Waterbirds, Jul 2017

Item 26_ 2020 03 04 RWD Cover Letter to DAWE_redacted

Item 27_2020 03 04 RWD Appendix A Table for DAWE_Rev0

Item 28_2020 03 04 RWD Appendix B Social and Economic Report Rev0

Item 29_Bat Call WA, Acoustic Survey of Night Parrot Activity June 2017 to July 2019, Jul 2019 – redacted

Item 32_Botanica, Level 2 Flora & Veg Survey, Jun 2018

Item 32a_Botanica – Quadrat Datasheets

Item 32b_Botanica – Quadrat Photographs

Item 33_Botanica, Flora & Veg Impact Assessment, Oct 2018

Item 34_Botanica, Memo_ Bilby Risk-based assessment, Oct 2019

Item 35_Harewood, Targeted Fauna Survey, Dec 2012

Item 36_Harewood, Marsupial Mole Monitoring Survey, May 2015

Item 38_Harewood, Conservation Significant Vertebrate Fauna Assessment Talawana Track, Oct 2017 -redacted

Item 39_TE & Bennelongia, Potential Impacts on Fauna, Aug 2018_redacted Page 1-52

Item 39_TE & Bennelongia, Potential Impacts on Fauna, Aug 2018_redacted Page 53-71

Item 41_Knight Piesold, Salt Dissolution Testing and Brine Runoff Impact, Jan 2017

Item 44_SRK, Groundwater Review, Sep 2018

Item 46_SRK, Pond Persistence Modelling, Feb 2020

Item 47_SRK, Memo_ Hydrology Response, Feb 2020

Item 49_SWM, Northern bore field groundwater operating strategy, Mar 2018

Item 51_Reward, Environmental Review Document (ERD), Jan 2019

Item 52_2020 05 29 RWD Cover Letter to DAWE_Final_redacted

Item 53_2020 05 29 RWD Response Document_Rev 0

Item 54_2020 05 29 RWD Response Document_Rev 0_List of Figures & Attachments

Item 55_Final EPBC figures_20200529_sans Figures 1(a) and 1(b)

Item 56_NPMP Version 2.1_final draft for comment_20200525_redacted

Item 57 Fauna Management Plan_Rev04_20200525_redacted

Item 58_WA EPA Recommended Environmental Conditions (Draft for consultation)

Item 59_EPBC Act Protected Matters Search_8May20

Item 60 Excerpt from Bamford et al_Curlew Sandpiper

Item 61_RWD Revised Night Parrot Offset Proposal Version 1 July 2020

Item 62_Lake Disappointment groundwater brine ops strategy_RevD 20200525

Item 63_Lake Disappointment Potash Project Water Studies Summary Table

Item 64_WA DWER Guidelines Water Licensing Operating Strategies